Ayurveda Consultation
At your initial Ayurveda visit, we will take a full life and health history and perform a physical exam and pulse reading. We will carefully go through your diet, lifestyle, daily routine and schedule, as well as explore your medical history in order to discover any potential causes of an imbalance. You will learn about your “Prakruti,” or Constitutional Nature (which includes your body type), which makes you unique. We will assess your “Vikruti,” which is the current state of your Constitution, and we will work with you to decide on a plan of action that can help bring your body and mind back into balance and happiness. “Every disease is not named.” This is a basic tenant of Ayurveda meaning that any imbalance is a state of disease.
We are not limited to a specific diagnosis in order to help you improve your level of health and well-being.
At your initial consultation you will receive a care plan that may include lifestyle education, diet and cooking education, daily routine, meditation, visualization, breathing techniques, prayer, yoga poses, Ayurveda marma therapy (like acupressure), and an herbal formula tailored to your specific requirements. You will be offered the path of learning self-care on a deep level.
At your Ayurveda consultation with Dr. Grasser, he can give you comprehensive health advice, pulling from his vast knowledge of diet, nutrition, supplements, botanicals, yoga, environmental health, and healthy lifestyle practices. If Dr. Grasser is your Primary Care Doctor, his Ayurveda consultation cannot be used to directly manage Western medical illness or disease (this is best done during your insurance-covered visits), but his treatments and recommendations will be chosen to support and balance your constitution, which will help you combat any medical challenges you are facing. If you do not use medical insurance at all to see Dr. Grasser, your visits with him can be fully integrative.
Ayurveda Follow-Up : How are you doing?
A follow-up helps us assess the effects of the recommendations, and adjust the plan in order to bring you to the next level of health and balance.
Marma Therapy (acupressure)
The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has mapped the entire body with vital energy points. When stimulated, these points can strengthen the vitality and function of various organs and systems in the body and mind. Much like acupuncture, used in Oriental Medicine, Marma Therapy can balance the constitution to assist the body in healing a wide variety of conditions. Dr. Grasser is happy to provide this relaxing and rejuvenating therapy alone or as part of your Ayurveda Consultation or follow-up.
Medical Yoga Therapy
Unity Medicine offers private yoga classes tailored to your unique health needs and individual constitution. Yoga can be used to target a variety of problems including pain, migraine, stress, asthma, fatigue and much more.
Please contact us for more information or to schedule your appointment.