
Speaking Engagements | Talks


October 13-15, 2014: Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals in the Land of Enchantment (SIMPLE) Conference, University of New Mexico, with keynote speaker, Dr. Andrew Weil

May 17, 2014: Ayurveda & Functional Medicine for a healthy, happy digestion, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Albuquerque, NM

August 19, 2013: Using Functional Medicine to Get the Best Care from Your Doctor, Chautauqua Institution, Chautaqua, NY

June 8, 2013: Practical Application of Functional Medicine, Grand Rounds, Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, Santa Fe, NM

October 13, 2012: Healing Chronic Disease through Ayurveda & Functional Medicine, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Santa Fe, NM

October 8, 2011: Ayurveda & Functional Medicine, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Santa Fe, NM



Dr. Grasser on East West Radio Tuesday nights 6:30pm MDT, live streaming. Podcasts of previous shows.



Dr. Grasser discusses epigenetics and Ayurveda on the yogahealer podcast


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