Speaking Engagements | Talks
October 13-15, 2014: Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals in the Land of Enchantment (SIMPLE) Conference, University of New Mexico, with keynote speaker, Dr. Andrew Weil
May 17, 2014: Ayurveda & Functional Medicine for a healthy, happy digestion, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Albuquerque, NM
August 19, 2013: Using Functional Medicine to Get the Best Care from Your Doctor, Chautauqua Institution, Chautaqua, NY
June 8, 2013: Practical Application of Functional Medicine, Grand Rounds, Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, Santa Fe, NM
October 13, 2012: Healing Chronic Disease through Ayurveda & Functional Medicine, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Santa Fe, NM
October 8, 2011: Ayurveda & Functional Medicine, New Mexico Ayurveda Expo, Santa Fe, NM
Dr. Grasser on East West Radio Tuesday nights 6:30pm MDT, live streaming. Podcasts of previous shows.
Dr. Grasser discusses epigenetics and Ayurveda on the yogahealer podcast
Online Links
Dr. Grasser co-hosted the world’s largest online Ayurveda event, The Ayurveda Summit, November 2015 “Ayurveda Summit Order”
Dr. Grasser featured in "Ask the Expert" column, Yoga Journal, March 2015
Integrating Ayurveda Western Medicine & Ayurveda in Ayurveda Today
- Dr. Grasser's opinion on Juicing on MindBodyGreen
- Dr. Grasser discusses healing chronic disease
Dr. Grasser's practice featured in the Santa Fe New Mexican see pages 31-32