UnityMedicine #FedUpChallenge

UnityMedicine is gearing up to participate in the #FedUpChallenge, and to go sugar free for 10 Days! Starting on June 9th Dr. Grasser and his staff will be cutting out added sugar from their diets. We are asking you to take charge of your health and your sugar cravings by participating with us. Dr. Grasser will be blogging, and posting updates on Facebook and Twitter. We also encourage you to see the movie Fed Up so you can learn more about the food industry and sugar. Dr. Grasser is also just back from the Institute for Functional Medicine Annual International Conference on Food and Nutrition. On Facebook and Twitter you can see his tidbits from this wonderful conference.

We are promoting the #FedUpChallenge because sugar is one of the major causes of chronic disease from diabetes and obesity to premature aging. We want you to be healthy, and one way that you can live a healthier life is by cutting out added sugar from your diet. 

Do you think you are able to cut out added sugar from your diet for 10-Days?

If so, here's how it works:

1. Cut out all added sugar from the foods you eat. This includes soda, fruit juice, and beverages with added sugar as well as any food with added sugar. A list is provided for you to follow.

2. Cut out all refined grains, go for whole grains and whole foods.

3. Read the labels of the food that you buy. Sugar or some form of sugar is added to 80% of all food products on the market.

4. You can eat the sugar that is naturally found in fruit, grains, vegetables, and milk.

5. Check out the website for the #FedUpChallenge for more information or you can check out our website for more information.

Here are the 56 names of sugar that are added to food and beverages to avoid during the challenge.

We are looking forward to sharing our sugar-free experience with you.

The UnityMedicine Team

How to Curb Your Sugar Cravings

How to Curb Your Sugar Cravings

Many of us will crave sugar during the ten day Fed Up Challenge. Although we are allowed to eat sugar from whole fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy, we still might experience a desire for more.


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10 simple steps to wellness...

Follow these 10 simple steps to PROTECT yourself, PROMOTE wellness in your life, and PROJECT radiance through balance of body, mind, and spiritual self. 1. Avoid overused tests and treatments. This may include x-rays and MRIs for low back pain, too …

Follow these 10 simple steps to PROTECT yourself, PROMOTE wellness in your life, and PROJECT radiance through balance of body, mind, and spiritual self.


1. Avoid overused tests and treatments. This may include x-rays and MRIs for low back pain, too many tests for cancer, antibiotics for colds, bronchitis, and sinus infections, or over-the counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. See www.choosingwisely.org for more information.


2. Know your health history. Don’t count on your doctor to know about and be aware of your past at the time of treatment. Know the medicine you take and don’t forget to ask your doctor when you can be weaned off of unnecessary drugs. Often, you have been prescribed a drug without sufficient evidence that it will protect you and without attention to your individual person.


3. Journal. Write about your health from week to week and season to season. Tell your journal about physical symptoms, energy levels, mental and emotional state, diet, sleep, exercise, and more. Then you can look back and make connections among all the elements and experiment with changes on the path to perfect health.


4. Eat mindfully. This starts with preparing for your meal: the what, where, when, how, and with whom you eat. It lasts during the meal (think: slow, think: chew), and after the meal: what Ayurveda describes as the taste, immediate effect, and post-digestive effect of every food.


5. Customize and control your daily routine and what enters your body (food, water, medicine, breath, sun, conversation, sound, sight, and energy) according to your personal and individual needs. Do not do as others are doing if it is not right for you. Nature shows us how to do this; a partner in your health can assist.


6. Move. Move in a way and amount which suits you, but whatever you do, move. Humans are made to move every day except in time of illness. In this busy world, I recommend a triple combination of resistance training balanced with a slow, supportive, breath-controlled modality such as yoga movement, tai chi, dance, or similar, rounded off with endurance movement. I call this triad strengthen, soften, and sustain.


7. Detoxify. Most of the time, this means supporting your body’s natural detoxification mechanisms through the other tips mentioned here. Avoid taking in toxins or things which can promote toxicity: processed food, poorly combined foods, foods to which you have an allergy or intolerance, chemically polluted food, water, and air, anything but the cleanest skin and beauty products, medicine, and even “toxic” conversation and relationship. At certain times under certain circumstances, formal cleansing routines are necessary to flush toxins out of the deeper tissue layers and emotional levels. Expert supervision is helpful when utilizing these routines.


8. De-stress. Stress management is also individualized and may necessitate prioritizing: alone time, organizing tasks, saying no to others, meditation, breath-work, movement, religion, spirituality. Do whatever it takes (read: stress is a premature killer) even if it involves the help of family, friends, a teacher, a life/health coach, or a wellness consultant.


9. Rejuvenate. This is known in Ayurveda as Rasayana, and it is given paramount importance. Fill your life with the good stuff: nourishing, seasonal, local, properly-combined food, plenty of filtered water which retains its healing nature, exposure to the natural elements, and additional support of quality nutrients, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and compounds, when necessary.


10. Love. Cultivate love and compassionate connection in your life. This tip is the essence of health. This will bring meaning and purpose to what you say and do. I am convinced that one thing is more powerful than all else when it comes to being healthy, happy, and vibrant. That thing is LOVE. It cannot be divided, only multiplied. Look for places and ways, however small, where you can inject love into the situation. It is an antidote to all unhealthy sentiment. You and your health will thank you.

Traveling Tips
1. Lavender Essential Oil- Place on your nostrils to prevent viruses.
2. OnGuard Essential Oil Blend by DoTerra. This blend is great for hand sanitizer.
3. Bring your own food. A lot of the food at the airport is laden with GMOs, chemicals, and is over-processed i.e don't eat the peanuts.
4. Take an immune building supplement before traveling to boost your immunity during travel.
5. If you get anxious while flying, try taking some Ashwagandha or Rescue Remedy.